OPENING STATEMENTS The First Week of the Trial Opening statements were scheduled for Monday, January 23. But a number of issues had to be resolved first. Judge Ito had to rule on the defenses request to let O. J. Simpson speak during the defenseīs opening statement. The judge denied that, however he allowed the defense to show Simpsonīs injuries which they say would make it impossible for him to commit this crime. In another ruling judge Ito allowed the defense to mention Detective Fuhrman in its opening statement. After Judge Lance Ito had instructed the jury on Monday, Tuesday finally brought what many people considered the "beginning" of the trial, although technically it had already started months earlier with jury selection. Christopher Darden began the prosecutionīs opening statement by talking about O. J. and Nicole Simpsonīs $relationship. He mentioned the @911 Calls@@ NICLE Nicole made to police, drawing the picture of an abusive husband who $killed his ex-wife out of jealousy. Quote: "He couldnīt have her. And if he couldnīt have her, he didnīt want anybody else to have her." After Darden had established motive, Marcia Clark took the podium and talked about the physical evidence: The trail of blood leading from the crimescene to Simpsonīs bedroom, linked by Simpsonīs Ford Bronco. The prosecution showed pictures of the bloody trail of foot prints leading from the murder scene, blood spots on the Bronco and others leading up Simpsonīs driveway. Also, scientific tests reveal that a blood spot on Simpsonīs socks matches his and another one Nicoleīs blood. Quote: "And the results of the analysis of that blood confirms what the rest of the evidence will show: That on June the 12, 1994, after a violent relationship in which the defendant beat her, humiliated her, and controlled her, after he took her youth, her freedom and her self-respect, just as she tried to break free, Orenthal James Simpson took her very life in what amounted to his final and his ultimate act of control." Marcia Clark also talked about the timeframe, alleging that Simpson has had the opportunity to commit the $murder. (Refer to @The Murder@@ MURDR for further information) Also on this day, the face of a female black alternate juror was broadcast accidentally. As the camera panned left to Marcia Clark, the face of the alternate juror appeared in the left bottom corner of the screen. Although the camera operator noticed his mistake, the kill-switch operator did not. After learning of the incident, judge Lance Ito threatened to terminate live coverage, but in his ruling on Wednesday decided not to. Wednesday also brought opening statements by the defense. Johnnie Cochran told the jury that blood found on Nicole Simpsonīs body points to another killer. He also introduced several surprise witnesses, like Rosa Lopez, who saw Simpsonīs Ford Bronco parked at the mansion the time of the murders. He also mentioned a witness who saw four men running from the crime scene at 10.45. The introduction of these new witnesses drew an angry response by prosecutors. By California law the defense would have been required to inform the prosecution of their new evidence. In another twist, Wednesday evening prosecutor William Hodgman was hospitalized for chest pain and on Thursday judge Ito recessed the court until Monday before the Defense had been able to finish its opening statement. END